Thursday 19 March 2020

Birthday Butterflies

Hello! I made this birthday card for my friend's daughter who is 16 today. Such strange times with us all having to resort to rather makeshift celebrations, but I hear she managed to have a good time. The lovely lady who is often on the till at Sainsbury's told me that she was meant to be going to the US for her son's wedding in four weeks. She had also had a whole day of people moaning about the empty shelves! I'm a bit of a loner at the best of times, but I think when this is all over I will be much more appreciative of all the little social things that I tended to take for granted!

This card uses really lovely stamps and paper from the IndigoBlu magazine. I particularly like the snippet of black card that was run through the embossing folder that comes with the magazine. You can't really see it in the photo, but it's comprised of cogs and a clock face. I sprayed it with some pearl Cosmic Shimmer Mist. The paper has been stencilled and stamped with SU Sahara Sand ink and the butterflies have Wink of Stella on their wings. Lots of sparkle!

 I hope that you are keeping well and that crafting is bringing some comfort to you! I am sending my card off to Di, Dudley, Stinky Monkey IV,  Parsnip & the Hedgies at Pixie's Snippets Playground. I'm aware that that is possibly the maddest card recipient list ever!!

April x


  1. Beautiful tag card, I love the design. xx

  2. Wonderful card Andrea. Love the design and such pretty colours as well. I did giggle about the 'maddest recipient list' quip at the end of your post. You omitted one VIP - 'Walter Pigeon' - who has a wonky eye and always looks bedraggled :)

    Hugs - and a special woof from Dudley. Stay safe!

    Di xx

    1. Ha ha! Usually I get called Hazel for some reason. Oh no, Walter Pigeon - I'm sorry I left you off the VIP list! Sending big hugs (just to clarify they are for Di, not Walter Pigeon) xx

  3. Huge apologies April I changed your name to Andrea. Bad me. At least you have plenty of time to build up your soap stocks - what am I bid to keep your address secret and stop the hoards from descending in a raid :) xx

    1. I might call myself Andrea for a bit just for a change. Oh yes, the soap selling has been pretty busy!! Crazy times - hope you are keeping safe xx


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